Carolinas Section Fall Conference 2010
The Carolinas Section held the Fall Professional Development Course and Conference on September 29–30 at the BMW facility in Greer, S.C.
Morning Session: Successful Strategies for Linking Safety with Risk Management & Insurance
In recent years, many safety programs have been involved in organizational re-alignments, shifting from stand-alone units to assimilation into comprehensive environmental health & safety programs. Such shifts compelled individuals to expand their professional knowledge base to better understand the roles of their new organizational colleagues. A current phenomenon is the creation of comprehensive institutional risk management programs which incorporate all health and safety functions, along with other institutional loss control and insurance activities In recognition of this trend, it is imperative that safety professionals become familiar with the risk management and insurance profession to ensure that issues are effectively communicated within the context of this new paradigm. This course will provide an overview of the risk management and insurance profession from the health and safety program perspective, specifically addressing:
how an organization’s loss exposures are identified and analyzed
how risk management alternatives are evaluated
how the most desirable option is selected
the implementation of selected risk management techniques
the monitoring of effectiveness.
Afternoon Session: Displaying Health and Safety Data to Achieve Desired Decision Making
The collection of data describing Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) program activities and outcomes has become a necessity to justify the continued allocation of necessary resources. The creation and assembly of activity and outcome metrics is particularly important for those programs not wishing to be subjected to judgment solely on injury reports and regulatory non-compliance. Although the information embodied in activity and outcome metrics can be very powerful, EH&S programs often do not display the information in manners that are compelling and lead to desired decision making. This shortcoming is likely due to an absence of formal training in the science and art of displaying safety data compellingly. In this session, the evolution of key EH&S program metrics will be recounted and discussed. Then, the basic tenants of effective data displays will be presented, drawing from the works of recognized experts in the field of information visualization. This information will be followed by a series of EH&S data display before and after “make overs” to demonstrate the effectiveness of the techniques described.
Wednesday — September 29, 2010
8:00 AM Registration
8:15–12:00 Topic No. 1—Successful Strategies for Linking Safety with Risk Management & Insurance
Robert Emery, CIH — University of Texas/Houston
12:00 Noon Lunch (Provided)
1:00–5:00 PM Topic No. 2—Displaying Health and Safety Data to Achieve Desired Decision Making
Robert Emery, CIH — University of Texas/Houston
5:00 PM Vendor Area Opens
5:30 PM Past Presidents' Reception, (Vendor Display Area)
Thursday—September 30, 2010
7:30 AM Coffee & Danish, (Vendor Display Area)
8:00–8:30 AM Welcome & Business Meeting
Chris Murray, CIH — EI Group
8:30–9:30 AM Starting an EHS Consulting Business
Russ Bowen, CIH, CSP – Bowen EHS
9:30–10:15 AM Vapor Intrusion Sampling
Mike Marcus, Ph.D. —S&ME
10:15–10:45 AM Break and Vendor Displays
10:45–11:15 AM Student Spotlight Presentation
11:15–12:00 PM Current Status of NRR Proposed Changes and New Noise Dosimetry Products — Bob Wilson, CIH —Beta Associates
12:00–1:00 PM Lunch (Provided)
1:00–2:00 PM OSHA Update
Dottie Ison— SC Department of Labor
2:00–2:45 PM IH Issues with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Erik Shamberger, CIH, CHMM — Bureau Veritas
2:45–3:15 PM Break and Vendor Presentations
3:15–4:15 PM EHS Ethics or WWSD?
Sherman Woodson, CIH, CSP – S&ME, Inc.
4:15–4:20 PM Closing Remarks
Chris Murray, CIH — The EI Group, Inc. President, AIHA Carolinas Section
Lunch meetings - Informal luncheons to network with local IH peers
City meetings are held in different parts of the Carolinas as a way for members to attend technical presentations and network with their peers. There are currently three groups who are meeting on a regular basis: Triad area, RTP area, and Charlotte area
Triad area
AIHA continues to hold quarterly city luncheon meetings in the Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point area. You do not have to be a member of AIHA to attend.
Our good friend and colleague, Chip Witcher, has agreed to host our next luncheon and will be our speaker.
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Time: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Lunch: Syngenta Cafeteria, pay your own
Location: Syngenta, 410 South Swing Road, Greensboro, NC 27409-2012
Location contact: Chip Witcher, 336-632-6437
Speaker and Topic: Chip Witcher, Control Banding at Syngenta
Contact Michael Edens for details:
Mike Edens, CIH, CSP
Environmental Health and Safety
CHS-a vendor to RJR
Research Triangle Park area
Information for the upcoming RTP meetings will be posted soon.
Charlotte, NC
Vince Maisto plans the City Meetings for Charlotte, NC.
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, July 14, 2009 from 11:45 to 1:15.
Our next Greater Charlotte Area AIHA Luncheon will be held on Tuesday July 14, 2009 from 11:45 to 1:15. This luncheon will feature a presentation from Patrick Grogan, Southeast Regional Sales Solutions Manager from Entech Instruments. He will give a brief overview of “Recent developments in Whole Air Sampling for personal and area sampling”.
We will be meeting again at Sir Edmond Halley's Restaurant and Freehouse in the Park Road Shopping Center. Visit www.halleyspub.com for more information, directions, or to view their $8 Parliament Lunch Menu. If you plan on attending, please RSVP so I can prepare the restaurant for our expected group size. Thanks and I hope to see you there.
Vince Maisto
EI Group
704-593-1640 office
336-455-2558 cell
704-593-1650 fax
Other Meetings of Interest
More volunteers for other areas in NC and SC are needed!
Contact Sam Ingram at (704) 391-4327 if you would like to start meetings in your area.
The meetings are a good way to get Certification Maintenance Points. You can get 0.5 CM points per every 3 hours of meeting you attend, over the span of a 5-year cycle.
ABIH does request that a CM Point Inquiry Form be submitted for each meeting (you can access that from the ABIH Web site)
NC ASSE Luncheons
No new information has been provided. ASSE Sections: