AIHA Carolinas Section
March 16 – 18, 2022
Holiday Inn Downtown, Raleigh, NC
Wednesday, March 16th
12 Noon - PDC Registration Opens
Professional Development Course
1:00 -5:00 pm
Heat Stress
Dr. Thomas E. Bernard; University of South Florida, College of Public Health
Heat Stress Management in 2022: What We Know, What We Believe We Know, and Some Things We Don’t Know
Thomas Bernard is a professor in the University of South Florida College of Public Health and director of the NIOSH-supported Sunshine Education and Research Center. He has a 40-yr history of heat stress research and workplace applications.
PDC Description
The management of heat stress is receiving more attention due to the extended periods of warm weather and increasing evidence that worker health and safety is compromised. The PDC will present a model of heat tolerance, review the traditional WBGT-based exposure assessment and the basis for the criteria. A three-tiered system of interventions will be described based on severity. With this foundation, current issues will be discussed. Finally, the knowns and unknowns will be placed into a context for heat stress management.
Heat Stress Management in 2022: What We Know, What We Believe We Know, and Some Things We Don’t Know
Presenter: Thomas E. Bernard
Thomas Bernard is a professor in the University of South Florida College of Public Health and director of the NIOSH-supported Sunshine Education and Research Center. He has a 40-yr history of heat stress research and workplace applications.
PDC Description
The management of heat stress is receiving more attention due to the extended periods of warm weather and increasing evidence that worker health and safety is compromised. The PDC will present a model of heat tolerance, review the traditional WBGT-based exposure assessment and the basis for the criteria. A three-tiered system of interventions will be described based on severity. With this foundation, current issues will be discussed. Finally, the knowns and unknowns will be placed into a context for heat stress management.